Gmail CAPTCHA broken?

I just read, through a link provided by Julen, that apparently Gmail CAPTCHA has been broken (referred to at Slashdot).

This CAPTCHA in particular is the one Google asks a new user to identify correctly to create a new Gmail account. If a robot, or any other automated process, is able to make the correct guess and pretend is a legit user, this opens the doors for massive amounts of new Gmail accounts for spammers. We’ll see what comes out of that (more spam, probably).


  1. sylvainulg said,

    March 10, 2008 @ 15:41 pm

    Or unexpected annoying extra-captcha send by mail to gmail users that have a recently created account to have them confirm their “humanity” ?

  2. isilanes said,

    March 10, 2008 @ 16:15 pm

    The CAPTCHA improvement vs. cracking spiral is a very interesting battlefield for testing artificial intelligence, if you think about it. It is some sort of [[Turing test]] in the end: if you absolutely can not make a test that tells a human being from an automated machine, it means that the AI has reached the level of natural intelligence.

  3. Richard said,

    March 24, 2008 @ 21:02 pm

    As i read in an early post about it, I’m not sure that the captcha is a good defence against bots.

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