SSH connection without password (II)
About 5 months ago I made a post explaining how to use SSH to connect from computer A to computer B without going through the hassle of introducing the password each and every time.
As it happens, my instructions were far from complete, because they relied upon not setting any passphrase, and thus saving the SSH password unencrypted in the hard disk. That way, a malicious user, if able to read your account in computer A, can connect in your name to computer B with no restriction (thanks agapito for pointing this out in a comment to my post).
Next step is, thus, to use use passphrases, but avoiding mayor hassles with ssh-agent
I will repeat here the instructions in my old post, and extend them. First generate a public/private key pair in computer A:
% ssh-keygen -t dsa
and answer the questions you will be asked, not forgetting to enter a passphrase.
This will create two files in your ~/.ssh/ dir: id_dsa and, whith your private and public keys, respectively.
Now, you have to copy the contents of into a file named ~/.ssh/authorized_keys in computer B. From that moment on, you will be able to connect to B through SSH without being prompted for your user password in computer B. However, you will be prompted for a password: namely the passphrase that unencrypts the wallet to your actual password (they one you set with ssh-keygen).
To avoid having to introduce this passphrase each time we want to make a connection, we can take advantage of ssh-agent, in the following way. First, we run the agent:
% eval `ssh-agent`
Then we add our key to the agent:
% ssh-add
The above will look, by default, for ~/.ssh/id_dsa, and will ask for the passphrase we introduced when generating it with ssh-keygen.
After the above, all further connections from that terminal (and its children) will benefit from passwordless SSH connections to computer B (or any number of computers that have your A computer’s public DSA key in their ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file). This benefit will be lost whenever ssh-agent stops running, of course.
OK, but I want to have passwordless connections from ALL my consoles!
Then you have to take advantage of the following sintax:
% ssh-agent command
where, command and all of its children processes will benefit from ssh-agent
. command could be, of course, startx, or any command you use to start the desktop environment. You will still have to execute ssh-add, and enter the passphrase, but only once in your whole session. You will have to enter the passphrase again only if you log out of the desktop environment and log in again.
OK, but how do I make scripts benefit from this
You will find yourself automating the execution of some scripts sooner or later, for example putting some backups in a cron.
To do so, a ssh-agent must be already running, and you have to make the script somehow hook to it. To do so, include the following code chunks in your scripts:
Create the following subroutine:
################################################### # # # Check that ssh-agent is running, and hook to it # # # ################################################### sub ssh_hook { my $user = $_[0] or die "Specify a username!\n"; # Get ID of running ssh-agent: chomp(my $ssh_id = `find /tmp/ssh* -name 'agent.*' -user $user`); die "No ssh-agent running!\n" unless $ssh_id; # Make this ID available to the whole script, through # environment variable SSH_AUTH_SOCK: $ENV{SSH_AUTH_SOCK} = $ssh_id; };
and call it (before any SSH call in the program), like this:
setenv SSH_AUTH_SOCK `find /tmp/ssh* -name 'agent.*' -user username`
export SSH_AUTH_SOCK=$(find /tmp/ssh* -name 'agent.*' -user username);
In all cases username is the user name of the user making the connection (and having run ssh-agent).
A lot of info was taken from this Gentoo HowTo and this HantsLUG page, and googling for “ssh without password”.
SSH connection without password « handyfloss said,
November 10, 2007 @ 21:36 pm
[…] by isilanes on October 6th, 2006 [Update (24/03/2007): see new post on […]
SSH connection without password (II) « handyfloss said,
September 18, 2008 @ 14:48 pm
[…] Entry available at: […]