Archive for January, 2007

My backups with rsync

In previous posts I have introduced the use of rsync for making incremental backups, and then mentioned an event of making use of such backups. However, I have realized that I haven’t actually explained my backup scheme! Let’s go for it:

Backup plan

I make a backup of my $home directory, say /home/isilanes. Each “backup” will be a set of 18 directories:

  • Current (last day)
  • 7 daily
  • 4 weekly
  • 6 monthly

Each such dir has an apparent complete copy of how /home/isilanes looked like at the moment of making the backup. However, making use of hard links, only the new bits of info are actually written. All the parts that are redundant are written once on disk, and then linked from all the places referring to it.

Result: a 18 copies of a $home of 3.8 GB in a total of 8.7 GB (14% of the apparent size of 63 GB, and 13% of 18x the info size, 68,4 GB).

Perl script for making the backup

Update (Jun 5, 2008): You can find a much refined version of the script here. It no longer requires certain auxiliary script to be installed in the remote machine, and is “better” in general (or it should be!)

Below is the commented Perl script I use. Machine names, directories and IPs are invented. Bart is the name of my computer.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;

my $rsync = "rsync -a -e ssh --delete --delete-excluded";
my $home = "/home/isilanes";
my $logfile = "$home/.LOGs/backup_log";

# $where -> where to make the backup
# $often -> whether this is a daily, weekly or monthly backup
my $where = $ARGV[0] || 'none';
my $often = $ARGV[1] || 'none';

my ($source,$remote,$destdir,$excluded,$to,$from);

# Possible "$where"s:
my @wheres = qw /machine1 machine2/;

# Possible "$often"s:
my @oftens = qw /daily weekly monthly/;

# Check remote machine:
my $pass = 0;
foreach my $w (@whats) { $pass = 1 if ($what eq $w) };
die "$what is an incorrect option for \"what\"!\n" unless $pass;

# Check how-often:
$pass = 0;
foreach my $o (@oftens) { $pass = 1 if ($often eq $o) };
die "$often is an incorrect option for \"often\"!\n" unless $pass;

# Set variables:
if ($what eq 'machine1')
# Defaults:
$source = $home;
$remote = '';
$destdir = '/disk2/backup/isilanes/bart.home.current';
$excluded = "--exclude-from $home/.LOGs/excludes_backup.dat";
$to = 'machine1';
$from = 'bart';
elsif ($what eq 'machine2')
# Defaults:
$source = $home;
$remote = '';
$destdir = '/scratch/backup/isilanes/bart.home.current';
$excluded = "--exclude-from $home/.LOGs/excludes_backup.dat";
$to = 'machine2';
$from = 'bart';

# Do the job:
unless ($what eq 'none')
unless ($often eq 'none')
# Connect to the remote machine, and run ANOTHER script there, making a rotation
# of the backup dirs:
system "ssh $remote \"/home/isilanes/MyTools/ $often\"";

# Actually make the backup:
system "$rsync $excluded $source/ $remote:$destdir/";

# "touch" the backup dir, to give it present timestamp:
system "ssh $remote \"touch $destdir\"";

# Enter a line in the log file defined above ($logfile):

sub writelog
my $from = ucfirst($_[0]);
my $often = $_[1];
my $to = uc($_[2]);
my $date = `date`;

printf LOG "home@%-10s %-7s backup at %-10s on %1s",$from,$often,$to,$date;

As can be seen, this script relies on the remote machine having a Perl script, located at /home/isilanes/MyTools/. That script makes the rotation of the 18 backups (moving current to yesterday, yesterday to 2-days-ago, 2-days-ago to 3-days-ago and so on). The code for that:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;

# Whether daily, weekly or monthly:
my $type = $ARGV[0] || 'daily';

# Backup directory:
my $bdir = '/disk4/backup/isilanes/bart.home';

# Max number of copies:
my %nmax = ( 'daily' => 7,
'weekly' => 4,
'monthly' => 6 );

# Choose one of the above:
my $nmax = $nmax{$type} || 7;

# Rotate N->tmp, N-1->N, ..., 1->2, current->1:
system "mv $bdir.$type.$nmax $bdir.tmp" if (-d "$bdir.$type.$nmax");

my $i;
for ($i=$nmax-1;$i>0;$i--)
my $j = $i+1;
system "mv $bdir.$type.$i $bdir.$type.$j" if (-d "$bdir.$type.$i");

system "mv $bdir.current $bdir.$type.1" if (-d "$bdir.current");

# Restore last (tmp) backup, and then refresh it:
system "mv $bdir.tmp $bdir.current" if (-d "$bdir.tmp");
system "cp -alf --reply=yes $bdir.$type.1/. $bdir.current/" if (-d "$bdir.$type.1");


Beware of new UDEV rules!

As some of you might know, udev is a nice program that gives the user the possibility of giving persistent names to hotplugged items (e.g. USB devices), in GNU/Linux systems.

When a USB device is plugged, the kernel “finds” it, and gives it a device name. This “name” is a special file (located at the /dev directory), with which the communication with the USB device is done. For example, this is the name that has to be used for mounting the device:

# mount /dev/devicename /mnt/mountpoint

Now, the old devfs (superceded by udev) gave subsequently plugged USB devices sequential names (e.g., the first one sda, the second one sdb…). So, the device name would not correspond to the physical device you were plugging: an external HD and a portable music player would be given devices sda and sdb respectively, or the opposite, depending on the plugging order!

To fix this, udev allows for creating rules, so that a device matching this rules will always be given the same device name. Each USB device passes some info to the kernel at plugtime, so udev can use that info to identify the device. For example, an excerpt of dmesg in my Debian box, when I connect my external HD:

scsi6 : SCSI emulation for USB Mass Storage devices
usb-storage: device found at 9
usb-storage: waiting for device to settle before scanning
Vendor: FUJITSU Model: MHT2080AT Rev: 0811
Type: Direct-Access ANSI SCSI revision: 00
SCSI device sda: 156301488 512-byte hdwr sectors (80026 MB)

The relevant points are that the HD identifies itself as a FUJITSU product, with the model name MHT2080AT. I can now tell udev to create a /dev/woxter device node, each time I plug in a device made by “FUJITSU”, and by the model name of “MHT2080AT”. To do so, I can create a file /etc/udev/rules.d/myrules.rules, with content:

# My Woxter disk:
BUS=="scsi", SYSFS{vendor}=="FUJITSU", SYSFS{model}=="MHT2080AT", NAME="woxter"

Now, the original reason to write this post was that… do you see the '=='? behind 'BUS' and 'SYSFS'? Well, they have the usual meaning of ‘BUS==”scsi”‘ means ‘if BUS equals “scsi”‘, whereas ‘NAME=”woxter”‘ means ‘assign the value “woxter” to “name”‘.

However, in previous versions of udev (I don’t know when they changed), all equal signs in the udev rules were single ‘=’s, and that is the way I had them.

Now, all of a sudden, I update udev, and my USB devices do not get the name they should, according to my rules, because my rules are wrong! Man, they should give a warning or something! Something like:

Warning: file X, line Y. Use of '=' where '==' is expected!

Oh, well. In the end I found out by myself.


Don’t try this with Windows

I found out in FayerWayer about the things you can do with the Wiimonte (the remote of the console) and a GNU/Linux computer with Beryl.


Yes, it seems rather useless… but I looks great! Besides, think of the possibilities. And still some people will keep on saying that Mac and Windows lead the desktop innovation!


Why J2EE is complex

I read in O’Reillynet a comment on AurigaLogic’s Blogic.

Blogic comments on why J2EE is so complex and tedious to use. Their main thesis to support that complexity is… hold your breath…. fasten your seatbelts… : if it were easier, more stupid people would be using it!. Ta-da!!

Amazing, the “blogic” of this people.


French National Assembly Embraces Open Source

Finishing my Ph.D. Thesis really hindered my touch with news, so here it goes, with 2 months’ delay: The French National Assembly switched to GNU/Linux. I read about it in Mené, referring to Barrapunto, referring to Slashdot, referring to PC Advisor, who covers the new (usual cycle of news for the Spanish audience, reading mostly Mené

The French Goverment also said that all Gov. documents should be available in ODF. This nicely relates to the shameful case of the UPV/EHU (my University).

The Spanish Congress, meanwhile, is still hooked to Windows XP.


Sometimes too many distros is bad

Oh my God! (pun intended). Where are we heading?

I just read at DistroWatch that there is a GNU/Linux distro for Christians! According to DistroWatch:

Ubuntu Christian Edition is a free, open source operating system geared towards Christians. Along with the standard Ubuntu applications, Ubuntu Christian Edition includes the best available Christian software. The latest release contains GnomeSword, a top of the line Bible study program for Linux based on the Sword Project.

I might understand that people with different religious beliefs has different needs in terms of software, like the GnomeSword program, for studying the Bible. However… a whole distribution!?

This is getting silly, with people making a fork of Ubuntu “for the left-handed”, “for people with cold feet” or “for people who prefer emacs over vi”. All this is what the friggin’ package manager is for: installing the programs you like!


The meaning of Vista

From markdbd’s blog, the image says it all:


Happy New Year

Well, it is about time to wish a Happy Year 2007 to my readers.

May this year bring you all the best, etc. etc. :^)


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