Archive for March, 2007


Yesterday I watched 300 (IMDb|FilmAffinity), the movie about the famous Spartan last stand against the Persian army of Xerxes in the Thermopylae.

The movie brings mixed feelings to me, as mixed have been its reviews. First and foremost: the movie is visually astounding. It is really well done in this respect, with all the special effects carefully polished, and a brilliant use of the camera at all times. They even use slow motion in some scenes, not very different from some Matrix scenes, and the effect is great.

Now, when we pass from visual to conceptual… the thing crumbles down. I can understand that most of the verisimilitude has been sacrificed in the altar of epic, glory and visual appeal, but some things where just too much. The Persians are depicted as brutal, bloodthirsty and even physically monster-like, whereas Spartans (narrow-minded warmongers, with a nazi view of discipline) are portrayed as the defenders of the modern civilization, in the face of the Asian mysticism and ignorance. Well, maybe Greece was an example of modernity and democracy, but it was Athens, not Sparta, the motor of that movement. To top it all, Xerxes is depicted as a 2.5m-tall androgynous circus freak, for no reason I can gather.

Anyway, if what you expect of this movie is a frenetic show, with a lot of action and great photography, you won’t be disappointed.


Neo uses the same keyboard as I do!

They are showing the movie The Matrix on TV right now, and I was casually watching it (not really caring much, because I had already seen it many times), when a top view of Neo’s desktop shows… this:

The image comes from a video I had recorded (the previous time they put it on TV), and I apologize for the low quality. In any case, you have my word that the white keyboard that appears in the movie is the kind of keyboard I use at work: one of those curved ones, with two separated key areas, one for each hand. I think some go under the name “Microsoft Natural Keyboard”, and I must admit they are one of the very few things M$ got right.

As a side note: I am looking desperately for another one (some) of those keyboards, but computer shops just won’t deliver them :^(

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SSH connection without password (II)

About 5 months ago I made a post explaining how to use SSH to connect from computer A to computer B without going through the hassle of introducing the password each and every time.

As it happens, my instructions were far from complete, because they relied upon not setting any passphrase, and thus saving the SSH password unencrypted in the hard disk. That way, a malicious user, if able to read your account in computer A, can connect in your name to computer B with no restriction (thanks agapito for pointing this out in a comment to my post).

Next step is, thus, to use use passphrases, but avoiding mayor hassles with ssh-agent.

I will repeat here the instructions in my old post, and extend them. First generate a public/private key pair in computer A:

% ssh-keygen -t dsa

and answer the questions you will be asked, not forgetting to enter a passphrase.

This will create two files in your ~/.ssh/ dir: id_dsa and, whith your private and public keys, respectively.

Now, you have to copy the contents of into a file named ~/.ssh/authorized_keys in computer B. From that moment on, you will be able to connect to B through SSH without being prompted for your user password in computer B. However, you will be prompted for a password: namely the passphrase that unencrypts the wallet to your actual password (they one you set with ssh-keygen).

To avoid having to introduce this passphrase each time we want to make a connection, we can take advantage of ssh-agent, in the following way. First, we run the agent:

% eval `ssh-agent`

Then we add our key to the agent:

% ssh-add

The above will look, by default, for ~/.ssh/id_dsa, and will ask for the passphrase we introduced when generating it with ssh-keygen.

After the above, all further connections from that terminal (and its children) will benefit from passwordless SSH connections to computer B (or any number of computers that have your A computer’s public DSA key in their ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file). This benefit will be lost whenever ssh-agent stops running, of course.

OK, but I want to have passwordless connections from ALL my consoles!

Then you have to take advantage of the following sintax:

% ssh-agent command

where, command and all of its children processes will benefit from ssh-agent. command could be, of course, startx, or any command you use to start the desktop environment. You will still have to execute ssh-add, and enter the passphrase, but only once in your whole session. You will have to enter the passphrase again only if you log out of the desktop environment and log in again.

OK, but how do I make scripts benefit from this

You will find yourself automating the execution of some scripts sooner or later, for example putting some backups in a cron.

To do so, a ssh-agent must be already running, and you have to make the script somehow hook to it. To do so, include the following code chunks in your scripts:


Create the following subroutine:

#                                                 #
# Check that ssh-agent is running, and hook to it #
#                                                 #

sub ssh_hook
  my $user = $_[0] or die "Specify a username!\n";

  # Get ID of running ssh-agent:
  chomp(my $ssh_id = `find /tmp/ssh* -name 'agent.*' -user $user`);
  die "No ssh-agent running!\n" unless $ssh_id;

  # Make this ID available to the whole script, through
  # environment variable SSH_AUTH_SOCK:
  $ENV{SSH_AUTH_SOCK} = $ssh_id;

and call it (before any SSH call in the program), like this:



setenv SSH_AUTH_SOCK `find /tmp/ssh* -name 'agent.*' -user username`


export SSH_AUTH_SOCK=$(find /tmp/ssh* -name 'agent.*' -user username);

In all cases username is the user name of the user making the connection (and having run ssh-agent).

A lot of info was taken from this Gentoo HowTo and this HantsLUG page, and googling for “ssh without password”.

Comments (2)

How (legally) strong is the word "free"?

It seems that the answer is: a lot.

Perusing some old e-mails (I save all the e-mails I receive, except spam and stupid 2MB presentations), I found the following one, dated November 11, 2006:

Hello all,

I read in your page at:

That your “[…] project has the goal of providing high quality, comprehensive, accessible and free information about Linux and other free software”

How is it “free”, if the page also reads?:

“Copyright © 2004 – 2006 The Linux Information Project. All Rights reserved.”

Could you publish the information under a Creative Commons, or GNU Free
Documentation License? Either that, or remove the “free” part in the
paragraph above.

Yours sincerely,


As it follows from my e-mail, I was concerned for the use of the adjective “free” in an incorrect way. The reader might think they (of course) ignored my warning, because “free” is such a loose, multi-meaning, not-legally-binding word, much like “healthy”, “good”, “in a minute”, “you can do it yourself”, “natural”, “organic”… and all the jargon used in advertising to convey a positive look of the product, while still dodging potential sues for misguiding information.

Well, not quite. It seems that in software and information technology, “free” has a definite meaning, which would not meet. As such, you can visit their current page, which now reads:

Welcome to The Linux Information Project (LINFO)! This project is dedicated to providing high quality, comprehensive and easily accessible information about Linux and other free software.

See any missing word? Why, the “free” is gone!

Maybe it sounds petty and nit-picking, but it isn’t. There is an increasing tendency to bastardize words like free software and the like, which I ascribe to closing the gap between “free and good” and “closed, for-profit, and evil”. Corporations have noticed how some terms are gaining progressive good reputation, like e.g. free software, and don’t want to lose terrain in the ensuing war.

This war has two fronts: first, demean everything that smells of “freedom”. For example, label “free software” products as “open souce software”. Why? Because it weakens its link with some freedom ideals, and conveys the idea that what makes that software different is simply that you can read the source code. You will also recognize bastards playing on this side because they will always refer to “free software” (software created and used with freedom) as “software that is free of cost” or “no-cost software”, or any other construction that tries to reduce all the benefits and characteristics of free software to the concept that it is free of cost, like mere freeware (read an example in a previous post[es]).

The second front is attaching the label “free” and/or “open” to any product that could conceivably (or inconceivably) bear it, much like “low-fat” would be attached to any food, be it naturally fatty or not (in which case little an achievement it would be), or even non-food (like tobacco), or “organic” to anything from food to clothes to shampoos.

In this confrontation, we start a slippery slope of giving blurry meanings to words, then end up having blurry concepts applied, like a “low-fat” super-hamburger that can single-handedly obstruct all your arteries with its cholesterol, but is called “low-fat” because it has lower fat content than another similar size burger, or a page showing information that they call “free”, but is under burdensome copyrights, that (for example) take from you the simplest right of copying the information and sharing it with others freely.


My uptime hits 50d

I am bored, working a little bit too much overtime, and I just realized that my work computer’s uptime exceeded 50 days today. Yes, this means that I last rebooted my computer 50 days ago.

I realize that this number is far from impressive, but I can’t help but compare it with the case of our only fellow workmate who uses Windows (XP). He once left his computer on and unattended for a couple of weeks (he went on a trip abroad), and to be fair Windows behaved: it didn’t crash. However, when he is working he religiously turns the computer off every evening, because (he says), “otherwise it eventually slows down to a crawl”. My beloved Debian runs as smoothly as the first day, after being on (and under heavy use) for almost two months.


First spam e-mail I actually found amusing!

I just received a spam e-mail with the following subject:

Linux is covered by the GNU General Public License (GPL), which allows free distribution of the code please read the GPL in appendix

Except poor punctuation, the sentence makes sense, and covers a subject I could actually be interested on :^)

This e-mail is one of the things I have found most interesting recently.

Well, at least among the ones I’ve sent to complete oblivion with a key press.


Linux in the metropolitan buses of Donostia

Today I have taken the usual bus to the city center, and noticed that the monitors they have in the buses, showing general info and commercials, where blank. Well, not exactly blank: some white letters littered the black screens. “Oh, dear” – I thought – “another Windows crash”. Not quite: the messages the monitors where showing corresponded to GNU/Linux!!

Below you can see a photo I took. Click in the picture for full-size version.

I also took a second pic, without flash:

I apologize for the poor quality of the pictures, but taking photos of low-luminance screens in bright ambients, and inside a moving bus is not trivial (and my digital camera is not the best ever).

If one forces one’s eyes, the following fragments can be read:

* search_bg_key: invalid format found in block [...]
* is_leaf: free space seems wrong: level 1
* reiserfs_read_inode2: i/o failure ocurred trying to find [...]
* /home/terminal/datos/backup/20070217-def[...]-md5
* Unable to handle paging request at virtual address [...]

From my ignorance, it seems one hard disk failed, or maybe a connection (say, the USB cable to an external disk) was broken, or a device’s capacity exhausted. Of course, it might well be a failure of the OS (albeit quite unlikely, being GNU/Linux).

In any case, I was shocked to discover that the city council has decided to give Linux a go. Well done, Mr. Elorza!

Comments (3)

Fito en el velódromo

Anoche ese enorme intérprete que se llama Fito Cabrales tocó con su grupo Fitipaldis en el Velódromo de Anoeta, y el que suscribe estuvo presente.

Se pegó dos horas y media derrochando ritmo y buen rollo, con un público que se sabía todas las canciones. Dió, como acostumbra, un recital de mezcolanza de estilos, con mucho rock & roll, pero también blues, rumba, jazz y hasta un par de puntos flamencos.

Se atrevió a “destrozar” una canción de Barricada (Callejón sin salida), transformando una canción suburbana, oscura y rockera, con tintes punk (de las que hicieron a Barricada lo que eran), en una especie de rumba que, dicho sea en justicia, sonaba genial. Ya antes había (en discografía) hecho versiones muy sui generis de Quiero beber hasta perder el control de Los Secretos y Deltoya, de sus compadres Extremoduro. Quien conozca originales y versiones estará de acuerdo en que son versiones transgresoras, porque transformar la canción de Los Secretos que más comas etílicos y depresiones por desamor ha causado en los 80 en un ritmo alegre que te hace mover los pies sin querer es transgresor, no lo neguemos. Y, sin embargo, son versiones que aportan muchísimo a las múltiples dimensiones que pueden tener los temas musicales. No es fácil que a mí me gusten versiones tanto como los originales, y en este caso es cierto (“casi”, porque Los Secretos, Barricada y Extremoduro son mucho grupo, y los originales son muy buenos).

Fue un concierto que no nos defraudó, con el público entregado (aunque podía haberlo estado más) y letras y ritmos que nos llenaron de alegría, tristeza y todo lo contrario. Sucesivamente y a veces todo junto.

El tío se lo montó bien, y en consonancia bien le salió. Antes de empezar, por ejemplo, nos pusieron una animación (tipo Flash) con una simpática presentación de Fito y su grupo, siguiendo un tema marino, en el que cada persona era un pez (vale, uno era un pulpo, que son cefalópodos… luego me acusan de pedante).

¿Se puede decir “cojonudo” en un blog? Pues eso: cojonudo.


Vodafone 0 – Iñaki 1

El que haya leído mi anterior post, sabrá que había renunciado a comprarme el móvil que estaba buscando, porque, pese a que lo pedí en dos tiendas Vodafone antes de que la promoción que me interesaba expirase, me decían que me cobrarían lo que valiese el móvil el día que llegara a la tienda (tenían que encargarlo, porque había lista de espera), no lo que valía el día que lo pedí (dentro de la oferta).

Obviamente mi posición particular no tiene nada que ver con ello, pero hoy me he enterado de que han prorrogado el plazo de la promoción un més, con lo cual he encargado uno.

Aunque había gente que se burlaba de mi actuación, porque al fin y al cabo me estaba quedando sin móvil, y me recomendaban bajarme los pantalones y encargar el móvil de marras, pidieran lo que pidieran el día que fuese a pagarlo… pues mira, me ha salido bien la jugada. Si me hubiera bajado los pantalones habría obtenido el mismo móvil, y al mismo precio, porque la promoción se habría prorrogado de todas maneras… pero lograrlo manteniendo un poquito de dignidad he de reconocer que le hace sentir a uno bastante mejor.
