New version of Sociable WP plugin
Another reason to love FLOSS: developers are close to the users, and they LISTEN.
I recently started using the Sociable WordPress plugin for this blog. This wonderful plugin by Joost de Valk, lets you put some links to social bookmarking/news/recommendation sites on the web at the bottom of each post, so a reader can send your post to such a site with a single click.
There are many WP plugins that do this, but I liked the looks of Joost’s, and the pleasant way of managing it. I chose Digg, Reddit,, Technorati and Slashdot, but I felt that at least two sites that I liked were missing from the available sites list: Menéame and Barrapunto.
So I boldly decided to contact the developer, Joost de Valk, and ask for them:
Hi Joost,
I have just discovered your “Sociable” WordPress plugin, and I like it a lot.
However, there is always room for improvement, and as such I would like to suggest you to add links to the following sites:
Menéame (
Barrapunto ( are Spanish “versions” of popular sites: Digg and Slashdot, respectively.
I mainly write in English, but I think that blogs with a Spanish audience could benefit a lot from these links.
Now I realize I even forgot to say “thanks in advance” or anything… I was a bit unpolite, I fear. Anyway, his answer came a couple of days later:
I’ll add them in the next version, coming out… tonight I guess :)
Can I trust upon you to promote it a bit there? :)
It is actually true that a new version of Sociable has been released, and it includes Menéame and Barrapunto as available sites. So here it goes your promotion, Joost ;^)
Isn’t it great when people collaborate and are generally nice to each other? Isn’t everyone tired of a society where people don’t do anything unless they get money or power in return?
Thanks Joost and other bona fide developers for your great work.
Super Coco said,
March 11, 2008 @ 15:13 pm
It is a very useful plugin! It is great that they have added the spanish social sites to it! :-)
Joost de Valk said,
March 11, 2008 @ 19:52 pm
My pleasure! And you’re not alone in forgetting the thank you, lots of people do, and I don’t mind, the fact that you’re mailing me shows me you care already :)
Joost de Valk said,
March 11, 2008 @ 19:52 pm
Ow and I’d install a subscribe to comments plugin if I were you :)
isilanes said,
March 11, 2008 @ 20:01 pm
Thanks again. I already installed “Subscribe to comments”, but I don’t see it working…
Updating my own comment: you have to log out to see it working. If you are the author of the post, it just gives you a message of you being the author.