Archive for December, 2008

¿Dónde cagarán ahora las palomas?

Parece ser que hoy retiran una estatua de un tal Claudio (al que sus amigos llamaban cariñosamente “Claudillo”), que servía en la plaza del ayuntamiento de Santander de cagadero de palomas. Seguro que los animalitos echarán de menos la calva de este señor, por tener la curiosa propiedad de que era el único lugar de Santander donde podían cagar sin temor a que la gente de bien las odiara por ello (sino más bien al contrario).

Fuentes: El País | El Mundo


Gracias, NoScript

Lo dicho, gracias NoScript por darme la oportunidad de hacer cosas como la siguiente:


Fnac selling (almost) only Windows netbooks?

It seems that the [[Fnac]] (at least the Spanish section) has been remodelling its web recently, which caused some downtime last week, and a really slow experience right now (their webmaster must lack the experience to realize that great changes should be made first in test computers, then moved to production ones. Or maybe they lack the resources to buy a spare server…).

Anyway, I’m visiting the place to check the prices of [[netbook|netbooks]], more precisely an [[ASUS_Eee_PC#Eee_901|ASUS Eee 901]], and, to my surprise, the [[Linux]] models are gone! I have previously seen both [[cruft|Windows XP]] and Linux-based netbooks in Fnac, but now only the former seem to survive. I suspect that the XP netbooks are always over-represented in stores, that is, they have many more XP units than Linux ones, even though they are sold on par. Or even more Linux units are sold.

However, this plain and simple oblivion of any Linux offer is outrageous, and can only point to nasty activity by Microsoft, who moves the necessary strings (money when possible, threats when necessary) to secure a niche (that of netbooks), that is one of the biggest market entry points for Linux, and thus the greatest menace to MS’s monopoly.

Right nowk, the Fnac Spain “Ultra Mobile” page (can not make a direct link because URLs inside the Fnac site are a thing to fear and hate), shows only one Acer Aspire One with Linux. All other netbooks, including all other Acer Aspire One models, and all Eee PCs, are exclusively Windows machines.

Update: The Linux Eee PCs seem to be back. Maybe it was just an error? Probably I’m just too paranoid :^)


LWD – December

I will start making this section bimonthly, otherwise the only content of my blog will consist on it. Besides, the new information generation rate is not enough to require more often updates.

You can read an intro for my Linux World Domination project in this May 2008 post.

As usual D2D means “days to domination” (the expected time for Windows/Linux shares to cross, counting from the present date), and DD2D means difference (increase/decrease) in D2D, with respect to last report. CLP means “current Linux Percent”, as given by last logged data, and DD means domination day (in YYYY-MM-DD format).

Project D2D DD2D DD CLP Confidence %
Einstein 250.8 -631.3 2009-08-09 37.48 (+2.31) 9.5
MalariaControl 7172.8 +282.8 2028-07-22 12.45 (+0.19) 0.8
POEM 5020.4 +1406.5 2022-08-31 10.05 (+0.26) 1.1
QMC >10k 7.91 (+0.03)
Rosetta >10k 7.99 (+0.08)
SETI >10k 7.88 (+0.02)
Spinhenge >10k 3.35 (+0.14)

As promised, today I’m showing the plots for MalariaControl. In next issue: POEM@home.

Number of hosts percent evolution for MalariaControl (click to enlarge)

Accumulated credit percent evolution for MalariaControl (click to enlarge)
