I recently started looking for some system/format to dump personal stuff on. I checked my own comparison of wiki software, and chose [[MoinMoin]].
I have already installed some [[MediaWiki]] wikis for personal use, and I consider it a really nice wiki system. However, one of its strengths is also a drawback for me: the backend is a database. I want to be able to migrate the wiki painlessly, and with MediaWiki this is not possible. There is no end to the files and database dumps one has to move around, and then it is never clear if there is still something missing (like edit history or some setting). I want to have a single dir with all the data required to replicate the wiki, and I want to [[rsync]] just this dir to another computer to have an instant clone of the wiki elsewhere. MoinMoin provides just that (I think, I might have to change my mind when I use it more).
So here you are the steps I took to have MM up and running in my Ubuntu 8.10 PC.
Ubuntu has packages for MM, so you can just install them:
% aptitude install python-moinmoin moinmoin-common
Create a dir to put your wiki. For example, if you want to build a wiki called wikiname:
% mkdir -p ~/MoinMoin/wikiname
We made it a subdir of a global dir “MoinMoin”, so we can create a wiki farm in the future.
Next you have to copy some files over:
% cd ~/MoinMoin/wikiname
% cp -vr /usr/share/moin/data .
% cp -vr /usr/share/moin/underlay .
% cp /usr/share/moin/config/wikiconfig.py .
% cp /usr/share/moin/server/wikiserver.py .
If installing a wiki farm, you could be interested in the contents of /usr/share/moin/config/wikifarm/, but this is out of the scope of this post.
The next step is to edit wikiconfig.py to our liking. The following lines could be of interest:
sitename = u’Untitled Wiki’
logo_string = u’

page_front_page = u”MyStartingPage”
data_dir = ‘./data/’
data_underlay_dir = ‘./underlay/’
superuser = [u”
yourusername“, ]
acl_rights_before = u”i
You just need to run wikiserver.py, there is no need to have [[Apache HTTP Server|Apache]] running or anything (like with, e.g., MediaWiki):
% cd ~/MoinMoin/wikiname/
% python wikiserver.py &
Then open your favourite browser and go to http://localhost:8080, and you will be greeted by the starting page.