March 4, 2010 at 14:03 pm
· Filed under Free software and related beasts
This is a continuation post for my Linux World Domination project, started in this May 2008 post. You can read the previous post in the series here.
In the following data T2D means “time to domination” (the expected time for Windows/Linux shares to cross, counting from the present date). DT2D means difference (increase/decrease) in T2D, with respect to last report. CLP means “current Linux Percent”, as given by last logged data, and DD means domination day (in YYYY-MM-DD format), and DCLP means “difference in CLP”, with respect to last logged data.
Project |
T2D |
DT2D |
DD |
Einstein |
already crossed |
– |
September 2009 |
54.80 |
+3.45 |
MalariaControl |
>10 years |
– |
– |
12.12 |
+0.17 |
PrimeGrid |
>10 years |
– |
– |
11.78 |
+1.47 |
>10 years |
– |
– |
11.52 |
+0.69 |
Rosetta |
>10 years |
– |
– |
8.61 |
+0.01 |
>10 years |
– |
– |
8.12 |
+0.05 |
>10 years |
– |
– |
8.11 |
-0.12 |
Spinhenge |
>10 years |
– |
– |
4.46 |
+0.09 |
The numbers (again) seem a bit discouraging, but the data is what it is. Now MalariaControl goes up (it went down in previous report), but QMC goes slightly down. All others go up. The Linux tide seems unstoppable, however its forward speed is not necessarily high.
As promised, today I’m showing the plots for Spinhenge@home. In next issue, QMC@home.
Number of hosts percent evolution for Spinhenge@home (click to enlarge)
Accumulated credit percent evolution for Spinhenge@home (click to enlarge)
December 3, 2009 at 16:44 pm
· Filed under Free software and related beasts
This is a continuation post for my Linux World Domination project, started in this May 2008 post. You can read the previous post in the series here.
In the following data T2D means “time to domination” (the expected time for Windows/Linux shares to cross, counting from the present date). DT2D means difference (increase/decrease) in T2D, with respect to last report. CLP means “current Linux Percent”, as given by last logged data, and DD means domination day (in YYYY-MM-DD format), and DCLP means “difference in CLP”, with respect to last logged data. I have dropped the “Confidence” column, for it gave little or no info.
Project |
T2D |
DT2D |
DD |
Einstein |
already crossed |
– |
September 2009 |
51.35 |
+4.24 |
MalariaControl |
>10 years |
– |
– |
11.95 |
-0.32 |
83.4 months |
– |
2016-10-08 |
11.52 |
+0.69 |
PrimeGrid |
>10 years |
– |
– |
10.31 |
+0.46 |
Rosetta |
>10 years |
– |
– |
8.60 |
+0.10 |
>10 years |
– |
– |
8.23 |
+0.15 |
>10 years |
– |
– |
8.07 |
+0.05 |
Spinhenge |
>10 years |
– |
– |
4.37 |
+0.15 |
Except for the good news that Einstein@home has succumbed to the Linux hordes, the numbers (again) seem quite discouraging, but the data is what it is. All CLPs but MalariaControl have gone up (which goes down less than in previous report). The Linux tide seems unstoppable, however its forward speed is not necessarily high.
As promised, today I’m showing the plots for Rosetta@home, in next issue Spinhenge@home.
Number of hosts percent evolution for Rosetta@home (click to enlarge)
Accumulated credit percent evolution for Rosetta@home (click to enlarge)
September 19, 2009 at 19:56 pm
· Filed under Free software and related beasts
I’ve read via Phoronix the case of the indie PC game producer Koonsolo, which sells a game for both Windows, Mac and Linux. The interesting thing is that, as you can read on Koonsolo’s blog, the Linux version is being sold in larger numbers than the Windows one!
Apparently a 40% of the visitors or the Koonsolo site use Windows, vs less than 23% for Linux. However, despite the majority of visitors using Windows (there are even more Mac visitors than Linux ones), the Linux version sales amount to a 34% of the total sales, whereas Windows sales are only 23%. Visit the site for some more numbers and comments.
September 2, 2009 at 10:48 am
· Filed under Free software and related beasts
This is a continuation post for my Linux World Domination project, started in this May 2008 post. You can read the previous post in the series here.
In the following data T2D means “time to domination” (the expected time for Windows/Linux shares to cross, counting from the present date). DT2D means difference (increase/decrease) in T2D, with respect to last report. CLP means “current Linux Percent”, as given by last logged data, and DD means domination day (in YYYY-MM-DD format).
Project |
T2D |
DT2D |
DD |
Confidence % |
Einstein |
38.6 days |
-55 days |
2009-10-10 |
47.11 (+2.60) |
16.1 |
MalariaControl |
>10 years |
– |
– |
12.27 (-0.37) |
– |
>10 years |
– |
– |
10.83 (+0.17) |
– |
PrimeGrid |
>10 years |
– |
– |
9.85 (+0.24) |
– |
Rosetta |
>10 years |
– |
– |
8.50 (+0.13) |
– |
>10 years |
– |
– |
8.07 (+0.15) |
– |
>10 years |
– |
– |
8.02 (+0.02) |
– |
Spinhenge |
>10 years |
– |
– |
4.22 (+0.37) |
– |
The numbers (again) seem quite discouraging, but the data is what it is. All CLPs but MalariaControl have gone up, with Spinhenge going up by almost a 0.4% in 3 months. The Linux tide seems unstoppable, however its forward speed is not necessarily high.
As promised, today I’m showing the plots for QMC@home, in next issue Rosetta@home.
Number of hosts percent evolution for QMC@home (click to enlarge)
Accumulated credit percent evolution for QMC”home (click to enlarge)
June 2, 2009 at 12:37 pm
· Filed under Free software and related beasts
This is a continuation post for my Linux World Domination project, started in this May 2008 post. You can read the previous post in the series here.
In the following data T2D means “time to domination” (the expected time for Windows/Linux shares to cross, counting from the present date). DT2D means difference (increase/decrease) in T2D, with respect to last report. CLP means “current Linux Percent”, as given by last logged data, and DD means domination day (in YYYY-MM-DD format).
For the first time, data for [[PrimeGrid]] is included.
Project |
T2D |
DT2D |
DD |
Confidence % |
Einstein |
4.5 months |
+3.5 months |
2009-10-14 |
44.51 (+2.42) |
6.4 |
MalariaControl |
>10 years |
– |
– |
12.64 (+0.09) |
– |
>10 years |
– |
– |
10.66 (+0.19) |
– |
PrimeGrid |
75 months |
– |
2015-07-22 |
9.61 |
1.3 |
Rosetta |
>10 years |
– |
– |
8.37 (+0.28) |
– |
>10 years |
– |
– |
7.92 (+0.05) |
– |
>10 years |
– |
– |
8.00 (+0.06) |
– |
Spinhenge |
>10 years |
– |
– |
3.87 (+0.28) |
– |
Mmm, the numbers seem quite discouraging, but the data is what it is. On the bright side, all CLPs have gone up, some almost a 0.3% in 3 months. The Linux tide seems unstoppable, however its forward speed is not necessarily high.
As promised, today I’m showing the plots for PrimeGrid, in next issue QMC@home.
Number of hosts percent evolution for PrimeGrid (click to enlarge)
Accumulated credit percent evolution for PrimeGrid (click to enlarge)
May 20, 2009 at 20:37 pm
· Filed under Free software and related beasts
Following the “report” series started with my first summary of info about the music collection I listen to, I will update that info in this post.
The data (in parentheses the difference with respect to last report, 8 months ago).
Total files 10039 (+527)
- Commercial 6533 (+372)
- Jamendo 3381 (+155)
- Other CC 71 (+0)
- Other 54 (+0)
Total playtime 634h (+34h)
Disk usage 48GB (+3GB)
MP3 count 0 (+0)
OGG count 100039 (+527)
Playcount 56191 (+14657)
Most played artists JoaquÃn Sabina - 3233 (+522)
Ismael Serrano - 1820 (+1342)
The Beatles - 1632 (+286)
Extremoduro - 1611 (+917)
Silvio RodrÃguez - 930 (+148)
David TMX - 891 (+38)
Siniestro Total - 847 (+197)
Bad Religion - 774 (+142)
Fito & Fitipaldis - 749 (+74)
La Polla Records - 710 (+145)
El Reno Renardo - 660
Joan Manuel Serrat - 635
La Fuga - 570
Platero y Tú - 554
Ska-P - 554 (+114)
Most played songs Km. 0 (I. Serrano) - 82
Cuando aparezca el petróleo (E. Sánchez) - 74 (+8)
Salir (Extremoduro) - 68
Golfa (Extremoduro) - 66
Caperucita (I. Serrano) - 65
La extraña pareja (I. Serrano) - 61
Vértigo (I. Serrano) - 61
La del pirata cojo (J. Sabina) - 60 (+5)
Tirado en la calle (E. Sánchez) - 59 (+6)
Un muerto encierras (I. Serrano) - 58
Conductores suicidas (J. Sabina) - 57 (+6)
Medias Negras (J. Sabina) - 56
Y sin embargo (J. Sabina) - 55 (+6)
Tierna y dulce historia de amor (I. Serrano) - 53
You shook me all night long (AC/DC) - 52
So payaso (Extremoduro) - 52
Laztana (Latzen) - 50
Esperar (E. Sánchez) - 50
Pacto entre caballeros (J. Sabina) - 50 (+3)
March 12, 2009 at 14:37 pm
· Filed under Free software and related beasts
Did I say “bimonthly” in my last report? Mmm, that was 3 months ago… You can read an intro for my Linux World Domination project in this May 2008 post.
As usual D2D means “days to domination” (the expected time for Windows/Linux shares to cross, counting from the present date), and DD2D means difference (increase/decrease) in D2D, with respect to last report. CLP means “current Linux Percent”, as given by last logged data, and DD means domination day (in YYYY-MM-DD format).
Project |
D2D |
DD2D |
DD |
Confidence % |
Einstein |
107 |
-144 |
2009-06-26 |
42.09 (+4.61) |
17.3 |
MalariaControl |
>10k |
– |
– |
12.55 (+0.10) |
– |
5345 |
+325 |
2023-10-30 |
10.47 (+0.42) |
2.5 |
Rosetta |
>10k |
– |
– |
8.09 (+0.10) |
– |
>10k |
– |
– |
7.87 (-0.04) |
– |
>10k |
– |
– |
7.94 (+0.06) |
– |
Spinhenge |
>10k |
– |
– |
3.59 (+0.24) |
– |
As promised, today I’m showing the plots for POEM@home, in next issue Prime@home.
Number of hosts percent evolution for POEM@home (click to enlarge)
Accumulated credit percent evolution for POEM@home (click to enlarge)
December 2, 2008 at 20:31 pm
· Filed under Free software and related beasts
I will start making this section bimonthly, otherwise the only content of my blog will consist on it. Besides, the new information generation rate is not enough to require more often updates.
You can read an intro for my Linux World Domination project in this May 2008 post.
As usual D2D means “days to domination” (the expected time for Windows/Linux shares to cross, counting from the present date), and DD2D means difference (increase/decrease) in D2D, with respect to last report. CLP means “current Linux Percent”, as given by last logged data, and DD means domination day (in YYYY-MM-DD format).
Project |
D2D |
DD2D |
DD |
Confidence % |
Einstein |
250.8 |
-631.3 |
2009-08-09 |
37.48 (+2.31) |
9.5 |
MalariaControl |
7172.8 |
+282.8 |
2028-07-22 |
12.45 (+0.19) |
0.8 |
5020.4 |
+1406.5 |
2022-08-31 |
10.05 (+0.26) |
1.1 |
>10k |
– |
– |
7.91 (+0.03) |
– |
Rosetta |
>10k |
– |
– |
7.99 (+0.08) |
– |
>10k |
– |
– |
7.88 (+0.02) |
– |
Spinhenge |
>10k |
– |
– |
3.35 (+0.14) |
– |
As promised, today I’m showing the plots for MalariaControl. In next issue: POEM@home.
Number of hosts percent evolution for MalariaControl (click to enlarge)
Accumulated credit percent evolution for MalariaControl (click to enlarge)
October 30, 2008 at 20:06 pm
· Filed under Free software and related beasts
Hey, October almost passed and I didn’t write the montly report on LWD. I might make it bimontly, to produce less spam in the blog. You can read an intro for my Linux World Domination project in this May 2008 post.
As usual D2D means “days to domination” (the expected time for Windows/Linux shares to cross, counting from Feb 3, 2008), and DD2D means difference (increase/decrease) in D2D, with respect to last report. CLP means “current Linux Percent”, as given by last logged data. The new datum DD means domination day (in YYYY-MM-DD format).
As a new feature, I am now fitting the curves (to predict Windows/Linux crossing) to first degree polynomials, but taking only the last N points so that the [[Coefficient_of_determination#Definitions|coefficient of regression]] is close to 1 (yes, I am being purposely unclear and arbitrary on this subject).
Project |
D2D |
DD2D |
DD |
Confidence % |
Einstein |
882.1 |
+571.9 |
2011-03-31 |
35.17 (+0.27) |
37.3 |
MalariaControl |
6890.0 |
+6268.8 |
2027-09-10 |
12.26 (+0.06%) |
0.3 |
3613.9 |
– |
2018-09-21 |
9.81 (+0.05%) |
0.4 |
>10k |
– |
– |
7.88 (+0.0%) |
– |
Rosetta |
>10k |
– |
– |
7.91 (+0.11%) |
– |
>10k |
– |
– |
7.86 (+0.03) |
– |
Spinhenge |
>10k |
– |
– |
3.21 (+0.2%) |
– |
OK, the data seems discouraging. The crossing day (DD) seems to be further away every month, instead of closer. Recall however that the only (half) reliable data are the current (and past) percents. All the rest is speculation, and the fits change wildly depending on the function used to make them, and the number of points fit.
Starting with this month’s issue, I might post pictures of the evolution plots. Today I’m showing the plots for Einstein@home. Next month: Malaria@home.
Number of hosts percent evolution for Einstein@home (click to enlarge)
Accumulated credit percent evolution for Einstein@home (click to enlarge)
September 17, 2008 at 16:04 pm
· Filed under Free software and related beasts, howto
Following the “report” series started with my first summary of info about the music collection I listen to, I will update that info in this post.
The data (in parentheses the difference with respect to last report, 5 months ago).
Total files 9512 (+1439)
- Commercial 6161 (+1174)
- Jamendo 3226 (+225)
- Other CC 71 (+40)
- Other 54 (+0)
Total playtime 25d (+4d)
Disk usage 45GB (+7GB)
Artist count 1270 (+236)
Album count 847 (+109)
MP3 count 0 (+0)
OGG count 9512 (+1439)
Playcount 41534 (+5255)
Most played artists JoaquÃn Sabina - 2711 (+195)
The Beatles - 1346 (+118)
David TMX - 853 (+82)
Silvio RodrÃguez - 782 (+37)
Extremoduro - 694 (+251)
Fito & Fitipaldis - 675 (+53)
Siniestro Total - 650 (+39)
Bad Religion - 632 (+59)
La Polla Records - 565 (+28)
Ismael Serrano - 478
Ska-P - 440 (+20)
Most played songs Cuando aparezca el petróleo (E. Sánchez) - 66 (+10)
La del pirata cojo (J. Sabina) - 55 (+3)
Tirado en la calle (E. Sánchez) - 53 (+7)
Conductores suicidas (J. Sabina) - 51 (+3)
Y sin embargo (J. Sabina) - 49 (+4)
Pacto entre caballeros (J. Sabina) - 47 (+2)
Playcount 30392 (+4796)
Favorite artists NanowaR - 96.16% (+2.14)
ABBA - 95.85%
Erick Sánchez - 95.19%
Rafael Caballero - 94.73 (+0.43)
Peiremans - 94.68% (+1.20)
Leihotikan - 94.53% (+0.14%)
Su ta Gar - 94.44% (+0.34)
Simon and Garfunkel - 94.26% (+0.42)
La Caja Negra - 94.22% (+0.65)
Antarhes - 94.18%
Ska-P - 94.12% (-0.96)
Eskorbuto - 94.06%
Fito & Fitipaldis - 93.87%
Juan Luis Guerra - 93.75% (+0.10)
Favorite songs Salir - Extremoduro
You shook me all night long - AC/DC
Km 0 - Ismael Serrano
Golfa - Extremoduro
Todos los segundos cuentan - La Caja Negra
Vértigo - Ismael Serrano
1st movement of Winter - Antonio Vivaldi
Total eclipse of the heart - Bonnie Tyler
New America - Bad Religion
Caperucita - Ismael Serrano
Fiesta pagana (Mägo de Oz) - Mägo de Oz
Cuando aparezca el petróleo - Erick Sánchez
La extraña pareja - Ismael Serrano
Highway to hell - AC/DC
Uno - dos - tres - cuatro - Javier Ãlvarez
El roce de tu cuerpo - Platero y Tú
Torn - Natalie Imbruglia
Un muerto encierras - Ismael Serrano
Chop suey - System of a Down
Tirado en la calle - Erick Sánchez