Archive for March, 2008

Me 0 – DreamHost 1

Yesterday evening I boldly decided to upgrade [[WordPress]] (the software this blog runs on), to version 2.5. [[DreamHost]], my hosting service, provides easy click-through installation and upgrades of software, so I used it for the upgrade.

Sadly, and probably for some mistake I did, everything ended up screwed, and my blog experienced some problems like not showing any post at all! I proceeded to contact the support team, and the response was awesome: they answered incredibly fast, and the solution was concise and correct.

I have to say that DreamHost has surprised me very positively!

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Truñoweb de la semana:

Update: a 28 de abril de 2008, la página parece bastante mejorada. Sigue sin funcionarme bien, pero ahora la han modernizado (al menos en apariencia).

Cuando uno quiere hacer un viaje en autobús, ¿qué hace? Pues consultar horarios y tarifas en la página web de una compañía que haga el trayecto deseado, ¿no? En este caso deseaba hacer un viaje que la compañía ALSA cubre, así que ni corto ni perezoso me dirigí a su página web:

Como primer contacto, el hecho de que se te redirija a ya es bastante malo. Ninguna web seria te reescribe la [[URL]], sobre todo la de la página principal. Además, el añadido de la palabra “portal” es superfluo y molesto, y el fichero “index.asp” podría haberse omitido también (añadiendo “index.asp” a una línea en apache2.conf, httpd.conf o mods-enabled/dir.conf, si usan [[Apache HTTP Server|Apache]]). El cutre “www2” en vez de “www” al comienzo de la URL es también para nota, y el hecho de usar [[Active Server Pages|ASP]] ya ni lo comento.

Seguimos con que hay que aceptar [[JavaScript]] (si usamos el recomendable plugin de Firefox NoScript) de dos direcciones: y Doble molestia para nula ventaja sobre una sola dirección de origen.

Como queremos consultar una ruta y su horario, hacemos click en “Rutas y Horarios”, ¿no? Esto nos lleva a una página donde se nos pide elegir país de orígen de una lista desplegable. Elijo “España”, y me dispongo a elegir ciudad de orígen de la correspondiente lista desplegable a la derecha. Uno se espera que esta segunda lista desplegable esté conectada con la primera (que solo salgan las ciudades del pais que has seleccionado). Pues bien, está conectada: si eliges España, la única ciudad de orígen disponible es “Error”. Esto puede ser muy útil a quien quiera hacer un viaje de Error de Arriba (España), a Error de Abajo (España), pero poco más.

Con la única función vital de la página inutilizada, me puedo dedicar a comentar más fallos de estos ineptos. Por ejemplo, eso de “Web optimizada para 800×600” me llega al alma. Lo que quiere decir es que han hecho la página con un ancho fijo de 800 píxels. Por eso con cualquier pantalla a más resolución (todas las de después de la Guerra Civil) se ve una columna central con contenido (por llamarlo de alguna manera), y dos franjas grises a los lados. Franjas que serán mayores cuanto más resolución tengamos. Y si tuvieramos MENOR resolución o usásemos una ventana pequeña, sería aún peor: tendríamos que usar barras de desplazamiento lateral para ver toda la página. La verdad, se me hace difícil comprender qué clase de inútil hace páginas de resolución fija hoy en día, pero por lo visto haberlos hailos.

Si intentamos comprar billetes, accedemos a una página en la que, además de toda la basura de imágenes y anuncios de la página de inicio, tenemos un recuadro donde nos salen los pasos que vamos tomando para comprar billetes. Hete aquí que el primer paso es elegir ruta, y por tanto en el recuadro nos aparece una copia de la página de “Rutas y Horarios” que menciono arriba (con su error idéntico y todo). Ahora bien, la página de compra es de 800 píxels de ancho, y la de Rutas y Horarios también. ¿Cómo meter la segunda en un recuadro que es parte de la primera? Fácil: con [[scrollbar|barras de desplazamiento]] o “scrollbars”. Simplemente lamentable.


Is my theory bullshit?

This post tries to sketch a rule of the thumb to quickly check whether an idea/theory/belief is utterly useless or not. I have admittedly adapted it from the [[Bertrand Russell|russellian]] definition of [[Science]]. Recall that utterly useless ideas are not necessarily wrong. They are just that: utterly useless.

There is a single basic question you have to ask yourself when you invent/encounter a flashy new theory or idea like [[Psychokinesis|telekinesis]] or [[homeopathy]]:

Can I imagine any conceivable way of refuting this theory?

If the answer is “no”, then the theory is bullshit.

If you accept this, you are bound to abandon the theory if someone comes up with a valid experiment at which your theory fails (if someone challenges your telekinetic powers and you can not shut her mouth, you must accept you don’t have telekinetic powers).

On the other hand, if you don’t accept the above premise, you must, without excuse, believe in any other theory that can not be proved wrong, such as the [[Invisible Pink Unicorn]] or the [[Flying Spaghetti Monster]]. Failing to do so will undoubtedly qualify you as an absolute hypocrite.

Now, the long explanation…

Proving something true is theoretically impossible, but proving something wrong is trivial: if I say that all swans are white, no matter how many white swans I see, I will never be sure that the theory is true. On the other hand, after the first black swan I see, I will conclude without doubt that the theory was wrong.

Thus, “proving” some theory is usually equaled to designing an experiment in controlled conditions, where a result is expected from the theory, and we get precisely that result in the experiment. Obviously, we could have obtained a different result, and our theory would have been proved wrong. It is precisely the fact that a different result could potentialy refute our theory what makes the desired result confirm it. It follows that, if there is no conceivable circumstance under which the experiment could have failed, our theory can not be disproved, and therefore can not be “proved” through absence of refutation.

Take for example a [[precognition|seer]] who claims to be able to see the future. Her theory is not necessarily bullshit: one can devise a test, failing which would mean that she is wrong. For example, one can ask her to “see” something that she can not access by normal means, and that she can not guess by chance, for example the next lottery winning number. If she guesses correctly, the theory is temporarily accepted. If she fails, the theory is dropped.

Not it comes the funny twist: any argument that tries to make the precognition theory above survive after a failure (e.g. “I do not control when I can see the future”, “I only see abstract visions that I have to interpret afterwards”, and so on… you know the thing), automatically turns it into bullshit. Directly. And that because of the little rule of the thumb I present above.

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Project BHS

As outlined in some previous posts[1,2,3,4], I have been playing around with a piece of Python code to process some log files. The log files to process were actually host.gz files from some [[BOINC]] projects, and the data I want to extract from them is quite simple: the Windows, Linux and Mac shares in the number of computers contributing to them (and the [[BOINC Credit System|work they do]]). By logging this processed data myself, I can see the time evolution of this share, and hopefully show the slow but steady rise of GNU/Linux :^)

I figured out that the contribution to distributed computing projects could be a reasonable indicator of the Windows predominance status. There are many other indicators (for example the number of visits to a web site, e.g. this very one), and I don’t claim that this one is “better”. I just want to add it to the reference list for the reader.

There is a problem with “Windows vs. Linux” figures, and it is that they are not really “competing” products. When cars or soft drinks are the subject, one can figure out the [[market share]], looking at the number of items sold. Linux being [[free software]], one can hardly measure the amount of “sold copies”, and with Windows being pre-installed in most new computers, one can not really trust the “number of computers sold = number of Windows copies sold”, because some users even remove the Windows partition and install Linux on top of it.

Counting the visits to some sites is not without problems, either. Any web site will have a particular audience, and the result will be biased by that fact. When my blog was in, I had roughly as many visits from Windows users as from Linux users, and almost all of them used Firefox as a browser. Obviously this data is not an accurate reflection of the world at large. It so happened that free software users are more likely to surf to sites like mine, hence the bias.

So, without further ado, let me introduce the “BOINC Host Statistics” program (BHS). Here you are a link to its home page. You can find results I have harvested so far in the Screenshots section. For example, the SETI@home credit generation rate statistics follows:

What the plot tells us is that (at the time of writing this) 500 million [[BOINC Credit System|cobblestones]] are being granted to contributors each day. Of them, around 82% are being given to Windows computers, 9-10% to Mac, 8% to GNU/Linux, and the rest to computers running other OSs.


New version of Sociable WP plugin

Another reason to love FLOSS: developers are close to the users, and they LISTEN.

I recently started using the Sociable WordPress plugin for this blog. This wonderful plugin by Joost de Valk, lets you put some links to social bookmarking/news/recommendation sites on the web at the bottom of each post, so a reader can send your post to such a site with a single click.

There are many WP plugins that do this, but I liked the looks of Joost’s, and the pleasant way of managing it. I chose Digg, Reddit,, Technorati and Slashdot, but I felt that at least two sites that I liked were missing from the available sites list: Menéame and Barrapunto.

So I boldly decided to contact the developer, Joost de Valk, and ask for them:

Hi Joost,

I have just discovered your “Sociable” WordPress plugin, and I like it a lot.

However, there is always room for improvement, and as such I would like to suggest you to add links to the following sites:

Menéame (
Barrapunto (

Both are Spanish “versions” of popular sites: Digg and Slashdot, respectively.

I mainly write in English, but I think that blogs with a Spanish audience could benefit a lot from these links.

Now I realize I even forgot to say “thanks in advance” or anything… I was a bit unpolite, I fear. Anyway, his answer came a couple of days later:

I’ll add them in the next version, coming out… tonight I guess :)

Can I trust upon you to promote it a bit there? :)


It is actually true that a new version of Sociable has been released, and it includes Menéame and Barrapunto as available sites. So here it goes your promotion, Joost ;^)

Isn’t it great when people collaborate and are generally nice to each other? Isn’t everyone tired of a society where people don’t do anything unless they get money or power in return?

Thanks Joost and other bona fide developers for your great work.

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Blackout summary X

Last week a new power failure affected the Campus. At least the PCs at the DIPC were reseted around midnight. So, here goes the updated list of blackouts I have been able to compile, with comments if any:

  1. 2008-Mar-05
  2. 2007-Dec-10 (I used the reboot of my computer to install kernel 2.6.22-3)
  3. 2007-Oct-16
  4. 2007-Aug-27 (at least three short power failures, 5-10 minutes apart)
  5. 2007-May-19
  6. 2006-Oct-21 (they warned beforehand)
  7. 2006-Sep-14 (Orpheus fell, the DNSs fell, the DHCP servers fell)
  8. 2006-Jul-04 (Orpheus didn’t fall)
  9. 2006-Jun-16
  10. 2006-Jun-13
  11. 2006-Jun-08
  12. 2006-Jun-04
  13. 2006-May-26 (The card-based automated access to the Faculty broke down)
  14. 2005-Dec-21
  15. 2005-Dec-13

Summary: 15 blackouts in 813 days, or 54.2 dpb (days per blackout). 86 days since last blackout. Average dpb went up by 2.2.

First post in the series: here


This blog is my OpenID provider

I really like the idea behind OpenID, and I already have an account at Weblogs SL. Of course, my also was a valid OpenID provider. Moroever, my site (and before that my EHU page) was turned into an OpenID provider by adding the following lines (extra blank added before “link”, to make text visible):

< link rel="openid.server" href="" />
< link rel="openid.delegate" href="" />

But I was not completely happy with that. I when signing a comment in a blog (for example) with my WP blog URL, my nickname would appear as “handyfloss” (the name of the blog), not “isilanes” (my nick). If I used the Weblog URL (or that of, my nick would be “isilanes”, but clicking on my nick would take the reader to that URL, instead of to my blog.

With this blog these issues are gone. I have installed the Yadis plugin, and now I can sign with the “isilanes” nick, and give a link to this blog.

The configuration of the plugin is really simple: go to Options->Yadis->Add New Service, and select “Other…“. You will be asked for two data: “OpenID Server” and “OpenID Delegate” (both provided by your OpenID account, with Weblog or whoever). Fill in the requests, click “submit”, and you’re done!

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EU fines MS with 899M euro over non-compliance

The European Union decided last wednesday that they’d impose a 899M euro penalty on Microsoft for not providing the information they had been asked to release in 2004.

The short story goes like this: the EU decided that MS was to make public the specifications of some protocols and formats for allowing interoperability of Windows with other OSs. MS decided that this would be bad for their monopoly, so refused. Later, they pretended to comply, by sending the EU 30k pages of basically bullshit (for practical purposes, that documentation was useless). Now, the EU has decided that we should take none of it, and has fined MS for not complying.

Go, EU, go!
