Archive for my ego and me

Firefox 2 beats IE6 at my site

I regularly check the visit stats at this blog, and today is the first time that the browser with most accumulated visits is [[Mozilla Firefox|Firefox]] and not [[Internet Explorer]]. IE began ahead because some Chinese hacker(s) used the Windows XP/IE6 duo to try some nasty things at the site, and generated a lot of visits. After I banned these IPs, the visits from Firefox users have gone up steadily, and now the total visit stats are:

  1. Firefox 2 (33.5%)
  2. Internet Explorer 6 (32.6%)
  3. Firefox 1.0 (10.4%)
  4. IE 7 (4%)

Regarding OSes, [[Windows XP]] is still the most prominent one, with 53% of the visits, followed by generic Linux at 12.9%, then other versions of Windows and specific Linux distros.


Me 0 – DreamHost 1

Yesterday evening I boldly decided to upgrade [[WordPress]] (the software this blog runs on), to version 2.5. [[DreamHost]], my hosting service, provides easy click-through installation and upgrades of software, so I used it for the upgrade.

Sadly, and probably for some mistake I did, everything ended up screwed, and my blog experienced some problems like not showing any post at all! I proceeded to contact the support team, and the response was awesome: they answered incredibly fast, and the solution was concise and correct.

I have to say that DreamHost has surprised me very positively!

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Filelight makes my day

First of all: yes, this could have been made with du. Filelight is just more visual.

The thing is that yesterday I noticed that my root partition was a bit on the crowded side (90+%). I though it could be because of /var/cache/apt/archives/, where all the installed .deb files reside, and started purging some unneeded installed packages (very few… I only install what I need). However, I decided to double check, and Filelight has given me the clue:


(click to enlarge)

Some utter disaster in a printing job filled the /var/spool/cups/tmp/ with 1.5GB of crap! After deleting it, my root partition is back to 69% full, which is normal (I partitioned my disk with 3 roots of 7.5GB (for three simultaneous OS installations, if need be), a /home of 55GB, and a secondary disk of 250GB).

Simple problem, simple solution.


Reflexión repentina y aleatoria

Hay muy pocos problemas que los ordenadores no puedan solucionar. Y casi ninguno que no puedan crear.

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I hit 30k tracks played

I keep track of what pieces of music I listen to through since June 2006. This can be done automatically for you with Amarok, if you configure it to. As you can see in the following screenshot, I just listened to 30,000 tracks in this time! 30k songs

(click to enlarge)

I listen to music continuously while I work, and I also count the music I listen at home too, so that’s why I have heard an average of 50-60 songs per day.


My music collection hits 7000 songs

Following the “report” series started with my first summary of info about the music collection I listen to, I will update that info in this post.

The data (in parentheses the difference with respect to last report, 7 months ago).


Total files        7036 (+1021)
  - Commercial     4465 (+301)
  - Jamendo        2533 (+713)
  - Other CC       31 (+0)
  - Other          7 (+7)
Total playtime     18d (+2d)
Disk usage         32GB (+5GB)
Artist count       817 (+99)
Album count        618 (+103)
MP3 count          0 (+0)
OGG count          7036 (+1021)

Playcount           26246 (+9502)

Most played artists Joaquín Sabina - 2252 plays (+810)
                    The Beatles - 983 plays
                    Silvio Rodríguez - 626 plays
                    David TMX - 599 plays
                    Siniestro Total - 536 plays

Most played songs   La del pirata cojo (J. Sabina) - 47 plays (+18)
                    Conductores suicidas (J. Sabina) - 46 plays
                    Pacto entre caballeros (J. Sabina) - 42 plays
                    Cuando aparezca el petróleo (E. Sánchez) - 42 plays
                    Y sin embargo (J. Sabina) - 40 plays


Playcount         18186 (+5740)

Favorite artists  Ska-P - 93.73%
                  Juan Luis Guerra - 92.84%
                  Peiremans - 91.96%
                  Su ta Gar - 91.86%
                  La Caja Negra - 91.64%

Favorite songs    Tirado en la calle (E. Sánchez) - 97%
                  Fiesta pagana (Mägo de Oz) - 97%
                  Cuando aparezca el petróleo (E. Sánchez) - 97%
                  Las cuatro y diez (L.E. Aute and S. Rodríguez) - 97%
                  Wheels of fire (Manowar) - 97%

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Un par de comentarios míos en Menéame

Sin más razón que alimentar mi ego, aquí copio y pego un par de comentarios míos en una noticia de Menéame (8 razones de un usuario de Windows para no cambiar a Linux).

Me gustan sobremanera los comentarios #19 y #20. Analizadlos con un poco de rigor: los Windowseros “talibanes” (y los Linuxeros críticos) critican Linux porque falta software comercial (juegos y otros) y drivers. Los Linuxeros “talibanes” (y los Windowseros críticos) critican Windows porque se cuelga, porque no es seguro, etc.

Si os dáis cuenta, las ventajas de Windows sobre Linux son ajenas a Windows, mientras las ventajas de Linux son intrínsecas a este. Es decir: mañana las compañías de soft podrían decidir sacar todos sus productos solo para Linux, y la ventaja de Windows se vendría abajo. Al revés, no hay manera en el mundo de que la ventaja de Linux se elimine, a menos que alguien reescriba Windows de cero y lo convierta en UNIX 2.0 o algo así.

Yo alucino con los argumentos pro-Windows de la gente. Tomemos uno muy recurrente en este hilo: MSN. La gente dice que no pueden/quieren dejar de usar Windows porque (entre otros motivos), quieren usar el cliente MSN. El problema no es la calidad técnica de dicho cliente o de su protocolo, porque hay otros protocolos y clientes mejores (eso nadie lo duda). El problema es que MSN tiene un protocolo privativo, que MS puede cambiar como y cuando quiera, y al ser una aplicación popular, la gente se ve obligada o bien a usar clones que por fuerza andarán más “atrás” en compatibilidad y cualidades que el cliente nativo, o a usar el cliente nativo en el OS nativo.

Reflexionemos: estamos diciendo que hay un protocolo inferior que nos obliga a usar un cliente concreto, y este a su vez nos obliga a usar un SO concreto. ¿Y esto es una razón a favor de usarlo? Para mí es una razón en contra de usarlo. ¿Qué garantía de calidad se puede exigir a un productor en un mercado cautivo? ¿Cómo puedo ser tan necio de regalar mi libertad a cierto proveedor, y usar el único producto del mercado que me exige exclusividad, cuando hay otros productos mejores, y que no me la exigen? Si hay un(os) protocolo(s) de mensajería que es(son) abierto(s), y tiene(n) mil clientes diferentes (por lo que puedo elegir cliente) de los cuales muchos son multiplataforma (y por tanto puedo elegir el SO), ¿no es esto, precisamente, una razón poderosa para usar ese protocolo, y no MSN?

Vivimos en un mundo de borregos.


5000 spammers stopped by my Bluebottle account

My public Bluebottle e-mail account ( has stopped 5k spammers so far (since 05/31/2005).

Every e-mail sent to that e-mail is checked for a human sending it, and senders that correctly identify themselves are permitted through. Any other is filtered out to a “Pending” list. I periodically visit that list, and check the non-spamm ones (a few, if any). The rest is put in to a “Blocked” list, and any further e-mail from these senders is quietly dropped (any time I connect to Bluebottle I see a message saying “213 messages thrashed” or something like this, meaning that since the last visit, these many messages were received (and dropped) from the already Blocked addresses (I guess).

So it is this “Blocked” list that has reached a count of 5004 addresses on it. Obviously, many more spam messages were received (more than one from each address). My first spammer in Bluebottle:

Kendra L. Brown

Long time no see, Kendra!


New theme in blog

I just changed the theme from Contempt to Andreas09. I will miss the custom header, and I liked the previous style just a little bit better than this one. But for me the former was too narrow. From time to time I write really long posts, and they look horrible if the text is not wide. I also want to be able to add pictures with the size I deem appropriate, not with a tiny size to fit in the narrow blog column. So, I will be sacrificing looks for the sake of readability.


Hello, WordPress

So this is my first post in WordPress. I just moved here from my Blogger account, for no special reason. It is not even clear that I will continue posting here (maybe I’ll go back to Blogger, who knows?), but my intention is to stay.

Time will tell if the choice was right.

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