
They are not my favourite, they are not the best of the best… But, what the hell!, their personal info (quoted below) caught my eye. You can find the music of this group from Madrid at Jamendo. They release their music (at least this album) under the Creative Commons.

Feel free to try, download, burn and share their songs, below. You can find more Creative Commons music I like at my site.


Dowload me!
MP3 192k Ogg 260k
MP3 192k Ogg 260k
# Nombre

Desde la salvaje y peligrosa selva madrileña, cual canario entre leones, como un elefante entre roedores, como una abeja entre las flores,surgen TONTO… el grupo que todavia no sabias que estabas esperando. Tras 5 años mirandonos el ombligo hace pocos meses que TONTO empezó su andadura grabando sus temas en los prestigiosos estudios ZZ bajo la tutela sonora del afamado productor de la provincia el Dr Gustafsson que tambien se hace cargo de las labores bajísticas. A las 6 cuerdas el inefable y peligroso Jimi “Yimi” rodriguez , en la bateria Missis Marta acariciando bombos, platos y cajas y a la voz cantante el atractivo y afeminado hooligan Kaiser José!


Pratchett and the music industry

I am currently reading Terry Pratchett‘s Equal Rites, and enjoying it quite a lot, at that. It’s not his best book, which is to say it’s only ten times funnier than your average comedian.

What drives me to write this post is a comment Mr. Pratchett makes in page 97 of this book. May the potential propaganda it brings him compensate for the copyright infringement it might ensue quoting it here:

One reason for the bustle was that over large part of the continent other people preferred to make money without working at all, and since the Disk had yet to develop a music recording industry they were forced to fall back on older, more traditional forms of banditry.

Self-explanatory, ain’t it? :^)


CC Music

Just as in the USA they have the RIAA, here we have the SGAE, which “takes care” of the artists , composers, writers and so on. In the suspicion that what they defend are the interests of discography lobbys, and fed up with the whole “music business”, I turned my eyes to the music released under a Creative Commons (CC) license.

So far I haven’t had time to dive too deep in this world, but I have come across a very interesting resource for such music, namely a French site called Jamendo. All the music there is free to download, hear, burn, share, and probably broadcast (there are different CC licenses, some more restricting than others). Go ahead and give it a try, folks!

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